Thursday, November 22, 2012

Yarn Fly

Well Happy Thanksgiving day to my American friends. I took the day off to celebrate well for the football lol but while waiting for football I did this small video on likely one of my most used fly. "The yarn fly" I will use this fly with  my fly rod and float rod. Here it is and enjoy

Yarn Fly from Just An Aging Steelheader on Vimeo.
Oh by the way GO LIONS

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Manistee Day 2

Day two we decided to hit the lower section of the river. We also decided to change hats and I took up the Captains chair and Brian got to relax and be the client and get pampered. I got to admit he did a good job the 1st day and put me on to some fish so the challenge was out there to do the same for him.

The first run we hit is call the pumpkin run. Its been tradition that every Halloween one of the locals place a pumpkin on this downed tree as a gift to the fishing Gods.
Well the Gods must of been pleased because Brian tied into his 1st lake run Manistee Brown trout. Man are they a pretty fish and after some quick pictures she was released back to the river in hope to do battle at a later date when she is big enough to break the past world record on this river.
Well we continued the float down the river in search for some big comers but on the way down all we could do  picked up a few small trout.
My one and only fish caught on day two.

then it finally happen we were at the end of our last drift Brian finally tied into a decent fish but only  to get school on it from this brute but still gave Brian the thrill he was looking for and was a good way to end the day. I have Brian's battle with both the brown and the big Cromer on film at the end of the blog. I cant wait to get back on the Manistee again. I enjoy so much floating  and fishing out of the Hyde boats. It is so hard to explain the peacefulness of the drift and the excitement of the battle when you get the privilege to hook up with fresh Steelies.

Lake Run Brown from Just An Aging Steelheader on Vimeo.

schooled from Just An Aging Steelheader on Vimeo.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Manistee Trout Trip

I was privileged again to be invited back to my friends place to rake leaves and get in some fishing when we could. Well luck have it he was able to get someone to do the leaves so all we had do was fish. Day one we drifted the upper section close to Tippy Dam and were able to find some small steelies and browns but still had a great day drifting the Manistee.

Great day but going to try the lower section tomorrow.
To be Continued
Here is a short video of my biggest steelie of the trip caught and landed on day one.

manistee from Just An Aging Steelheader on Vimeo.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Nov Classic Month for Steelies

I love Nov. rainy,cold and the rivers are up. When most tend to hide away out of the cold for the rest of the winter, steelheaders the strange breed we are come out to frolic and play on a rivers bank. Some of my best days come November and this year is no exception. Booked a day off work and went on on a local river and had a great day. Here is a small video of one of the fish I caught and  couple pictures of a couple other fish  that are gonna make their way to a smoker. I don't keep many but like a couple a year to smoke for the holidays and celebrations.


Nov Classic from Just An Aging Steelheader on Vimeo.