Last spring Brad teamed up with Visions Fly Company. Brad called me looking for someone to test drive their rods and give him feedback. He wondered if I was up for a challenge. I agreed to temporarily put my float rod aside in order to give the Vision rods a legitimate trial.
The guides are high quality Pacific Bay Portuguese cork rings made of wood and it has aluminum reel seats. This rod is classified as medium fast.
Initially I was a bit sceptical about a 6 piece rod. I wasn't sure how it would affect my casting abilities and how it might handle the fight. I have never owned a rod that consisted of more than 4 pieces. The engineers for Vision have seemingly done their home work and created what I think is a master piece. I discovered that casting was effortless. I was fishing in tight quarters and used it with a single handed back cast and not a lot of effort was required.
It's amazing how the six pieces melt into one. The rod feels like my 3 piece, 13' float rod and it has the back bone to lean on the fish if needed, feeling every head shake similar to a noodle rod.
I believe this rod is comparable to any of the top of the line two handed spey rods. It's great for big river fishing as it has a long cast but with the spring of a noodle rod. This is a great rod to use when trying to finesse a silver slab to shore.