I've been told I am crazy for some of the water I have been known to fish. The Maitland was rocking this fall day.

This Laker decided it was a river run fish caught it on the Maitland in the Fall of 2000
Here are a couple of Soo Rapids Atlantics caught the summer of 2006. It was so amazing catching big fish like this on a caddis nymph size16 hook.
My nephew who lives in Germany came hone for a visit and had to get him out on a drift on the Saugeen for some Muskie. Here never caught any but we did see 3 this day follow our flies to the boat.
This 4lb bass was taken while fishing for muskie on the Saugeen. The flies we throw at these fish are almost as big as the bass
Here is my friend Paul with a Saugeen muskie
Here is my 1st Drift Boat a 3 man pontoon
But now upgraded to Hyde drifter. Just got to get it out and use it more the old girl is getting lonely